Tuesday 29 June 2010

Coming Soon - Club Records and Seasons Bests


Now that our new web site is up and running, I thought it would be a fun to create a page of club records - and to keep some regular interest going, a seasons best section.  Yes, any existing member could potentially get their name up in lights - for a few minutes at least!  My thoughts were to categorise them in the usual way 5K, 10K, 10M, Half Marathon, Full Marathon etc. Male, Female and the standard age categories V35, V40 etc.

If you feel you qualify for a top 3 entry in any category please email your name, event distance, event and date, event time and age on race day to mjfjdeacon@ntlworld.com.  To qualify you must have been a member of Nidd Valley at the time (that cuts all my PB's out!!).  Come on don't be shy there are plenty of categories.  For those members of longer standing, whose better days are perhaps over, you may still have a good enough time to qualify.

I'll use the Championship and Evening League results to work out the season's best table, but if you know you have run a better time this calendar year for any event then, please let me know.